Caroline Kuritzkes

MPA, Field II - International Development
School of Public & International Affairs
Class of 2024

Caroline Kuritzkes is an MPA candidate in International Development at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs (Class of 2024). This summer, she was based in Nairobi, Kenya as a Graduate Intern with the IOM Regional Office for East and Horn of Africa, where she focused on labor mobility and regional economic integration in Africa. Previously, she served for three years in Washington, D.C. as U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley’s (D-OR) foreign policy aide and policy lead for Latin America and the Caribbean and international development finance. Before that, she was based for a year in Havana, Cuba as a postgraduate fellow, where she conducted field research on the Cuban economy published by Foreign Policy. At SPIA, she has developed a specialized interest in debt distress and restructuring, climate finance, and the development benefits of migration, which she plans to continue to explore after graduation.

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