Thomas Horn

School of Public & International Affairs
Class of 2024

Tom is from London, and previously attended the University of Cambridge, where he studied mathematics. Tom has spent his career to date working in financial markets at the Bank of England, focusing primarily on domestic policy implementation. Immediately prior to arriving at Princeton, Tom was co-head of the sterling markets dealing desk, where he was responsible for design and implementation of asset sales to begin the unwind of the Monetary Policy Committee’s quantitative easing programme, and for undertaking the Bank’s emergency intervention in gilt markets in Autumn 2022. His previous roles have included implementing the Bank’s strategic priority to end use of the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) in financial markets, and a period on secondment to the Reserve Bank of Australia. At SPIA, he hopes to deepen his understanding of economic policymaking both domestically and internationally, and to further his leadership capabilities as a policymaker.

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