Princeton Hosts Scholars of Finance Mid-Atlantic Symposium

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March 27, 2023

On Saturday, March 25, undergraduate students from Scholars of Finance Princeton Chapter led a symposium for their fellow students interested in finance. This symposium explored the intersection of finance and ethics and provided an opportunity for students to learn from corporate social responsibility professionals and stakeholders in the industry. The symposium offered Princeton students the opportunity to meet, gain knowledge from, and network with high-level executives and other finance professionals, as well as students from across the country interested in finance. The symposium's lead sponsor was the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance, along with other campus partners.

Held between 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at Roberston Hall and McCosh Hall, the event featured a panel of partners and officers from global financial companies. Mike Baxter, a Partner at Bain & Company, gave the key note address. View the event flyer and full agenda for further details.

Scholars of Finance