Finance Field Day in NYC

May 16, 2023

On May 5th the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance and the Bendheim Center for Finance co-hosted a Finance Field Day in New York City.

Twenty-eight undergraduate students participated in the event, which included two panels about diverse and sometimes surprising paths to careers in finance and public policy, as well as a walking tour of the financial district in downtown Manhattan.

The first event of the day was a panel event, where students met with a distinguished and diverse host of McKinsey employees in the company's 64th floor headquarters at the World Trade Center. The panel included three Princeton alumni: associate partner Dominic Williams '05, Loully Saney '16, an associate consultant, and Lara Valt '22, a business analyst. Also on the panel were  Oliva Gibbs, senior business analyst; Jen Lee, managing counsel; Ilona Logvinova, associate general counsel; Justin Sommers, associate general counsel; and Mia White, managing counsel.

The panel at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York featured speakers, Susan Ragheb *22, an associate with the International Committees group, Kendra Nealon '14, an insitutional examiner, and Linda Goldberg *88, a senior advisor with the financial research department and also a member of the Center's advisory council. Panelists shared their personal career experiences, including what set them on the pathway to a public sector career pathways, as well as information about recruiting programs and internship opportunities across the Federal Reserve system.

The visit to the Fed also included a tour of the gold vault located 80 feet below ground and a glimpse at the billions of dollars worth of gold reserves held at the bank. The day ended with a walking tour of Wall Street and the surrounding area, touching on topics like the Buttonwood Agreement, the founding of the New York Stock Exchange, and how the area has shaped national and global financial history over over the last three centuries.