JRCPPF 8th Annual Conference | February 21-22, 2019
Held ten years after the financial crisis this conference explored new ideas and mechanism designs aimed at addressing some of the most pressing issues facing financial markets and the macro-economy. The conference featured mix of speakers including experts on blockchain, fintech, financial decentralization, and innovative mechanism design.
The Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance’s Annual Conference brings together preeminent researchers, policy experts, and market practitioners from across the globe to exchange ideas and shed new light on the most pressing economic issues of our time. The conference also exposes our students to a range of economic expertise and provides them with the opportunity to interact with leading academics and policy makers. This year's conference was co-sponsored by Microsoft Research.
Read the summary of the conference here.
Videos, slides, papers (Radical Markets)
Property Rights & Taxation
Moderator: Atif Mian, Princeton University
Anthony Lee Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate, Stanford Graduate School of Business
"Competition Policy and Price Discovery" | SlidesVideo
Matthew Prewitt, Deputy Director, RadicalxChange
"Ownership & Punishment" | SlidesVideo
Robin Hanson, Associate Professor of Economics, George Mason University
"Decentralized Zoning via Conditional Harberger Taxes" | SlidesVideo
Decentralization and Competition
Moderator: Ernest Liu, Princeton University
Steve Randy Waldman, interfluidity.com
"a tao of (de)centralization" | SlidesVideo
Rachel Cummings, Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Computer Science, Georgia Tech
"Market Design for Personal Data" | SlidesVideo
Ioana Marinescu, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
"Labor Market Concentration and Legal Implications" | SlidesVideo
Moderator: Karsten Müller, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University
Devon Zuegel, Engineer, Github
"What can physical infrastructure teach us about open source?" | SlidesVideo
Zoë Hitzig, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Economics, Harvard University
"Optimal Matching Funds for Public Goods" | SlidesVideo
Nicole Immorlica, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research-New England
"Quadratic Voting" | SlidesVideo
Ananya Chakravarti, Assistant Professor of History, Georgetown University
"Multidisciplinary Academic Research and RadicalxChange" | SlidesLucas Geiger, Co-founder, Wireline
"Open-source cloud application marketplaces" | SlidesAparna Krishnan, Executive Vice-President, Blockchain Berkeley
"Mechanism Design and Decentralized Finance" | SlidesModerator: Matthew Prewitt, RadicalxChange
Video of Session 4: Organization
Keynote: The Political Economy of Increasing Returns