What is the role of public policy in financial markets? What may trigger the next financial crisis?
Student Associates of The Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance are the next generation of problem-solvers who will address the pressing economic issues of our age. The Center has over 170 graduate and undergraduate student associates from different departments. As a student associate you will receive news about Center events, invitations to meet with our speakers, and funding opportunities for summer internships, conference travel, and research.
Student Associates enjoy opportunities to interact with our faculty affiliates at informal gatherings, and gain unique insights into their cutting-edge research; meet with high-profile speakers and visitors from the public sector, academia, and the financial services industry; and connect with like-minded undergraduate and graduate students. Student Associates also develop student-led events and activities (such as invited talks, workshops, research projects, and trips to relevant conferences) with the support of JRCPPF staff and funding.
To apply to become an undergraduate student associate, please complete the Undergraduate Associate Form (explaining why you want to join, what you hope to gain, and how you would like to contribute). Please include information on your studies, extracurricular activities, work experience, and whether you would be interested in a leadership role. Only students at Princeton University are eligible to apply.
To become a graduate student associate, please complete the Graduate Associate Form.
We are no longer receiving applications for the 2023-24 Academic Year. The application process will reopen in August 2024.